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Ubisoft has unveiled Rainbow Six Siege X, and alongside that a new permanent game mode coming to the shooter, Dual Front. Dual Front is a 6v6 game mode featuring respawns, but it still preserves the tactical elements that Siege is known for.
Dual Front takes place on a single large map, split into two lanes heading from one team’s base to the other. Each lane consists of two sectors, which teams will have to capture one at a time by planting sabotage devices, similar to planting bombs in the main game mode. The two biggest differences here are that each team has six players and that teams will need to manage both attacking the new enemy sector while still defending their own. Teams can split up however they like, and after dying you have a roughly 30-second timer before you can get back in the fight. There is also a neutral zone in the middle where optional objectives, like escorting a hostage to a helicopter, appear, granting a bonus to the team that successfully completes it.
Dual Front takes place in a large industrial area, with smaller areas like a Gas Station making up the sectors.
Another big difference is the operator pool.